If you love fondue and have extra cash to spend, the Melting Pot is the way to go. Great for first dates and special evenings, the Melting Pot offers its customers multiple options of fondue such as succulent wine based melted cheese for bread and vegetables, chicken, beef, seafood entrees, and of course chocolate fondue to dip desserts such as fruit and poundcake. Many people wonder why you would pay so much to cook your own food, but that’s where all the fun lies. It’s not difficult to stick meat on a skewer and let it sit in oil for a few minutes, and you get to decide how cooked you want it to be while also brushing up on your cooking skills.

One of the most entertaining parts is when the food falls off your skewer and everyone at the table tries to get it out at once, or trying feeding your significant other with a strawberry loaded with chocolate and watch them get it all over their face as they try to take small bites. The only downside is their automatic gratuity, occasionally long wait times between courses (be prepared to stay 3 or 4 hours, especially if you are in a large party), and high prices.