Enjoy a delicious Pre-Prohibition style cocktail or two in the intimate and elegant Midnight Cowboy Modeling bar in downtown Austin. It’s located on the second level of a “Dirty Sixth” historic building, yes, but Midnight Cowboy has no DJ, no door guy, and no dancing.
In order to get into the bar, you can make a reservation (recommended) or you can make your way to 6th Street and hope that the “vacancy” sign at the entrance to Midnight Cowboy is on. Reservation or walk-in, you must ring a buzzer at the entrance of the building to then be greeted at Midnight Cowboy’s second level bar.
Then, you find yourself in the bar that occupies the chambers of what was an elusive establishment labeled “Midnight Cowboy Modeling, Oriental Massage.” This establishment was just recently apprehended for actually being a place of prostitution, and then transformed into a cocktail bar.
There’s no illicit activity now, but the same sense of privacy and mystery is imbued throughout in the simple and sophisticated, early 20th Century decor and presentation. And, communications haven’t changed much – if you need something, press a button and you will get a server.
Midnight Cowboy is decorated to be simple, sophisticated and intimate, and serves as the setting for the service of thoughtful craft cocktails – martinis, mint juleps, and a whole menu of others to choose from.
And remember: you only get two hours in the bar and you aren’t allowed to make cell phone calls – Midnight Cowboy is not shy about the fact that they take their time in the things they do and they expect the same from you.