Laughter is an essential accompaniment to a date at any stage of the game and it’s great to have a low-key, quality comedy theater that provides the opportunity to laugh with several nights of improv comedy a week.

Steel City is open for performances on Friday and Saturday nights, usually with showings at 6:00, 7:30, 9:00 and 10:00pm (but check the calendar in advance to confirm). These weekend shows are usually only $5, and you can buy tickets on site 30 minutes before the show. If you feel like doing something more interactive, get there early on a Saturday night and try out some improv on stage with others at the SCIT Social. The SCIT Social is free and open to anyone – just arrive by 5:45 to sign up.

In addition to these weekend happenings, Steel City hosts regular “Totally Free Mondays,” which include performances at 7:00, 8:00 and at 9:00 pm from several regular improv teams. Drinks and snacks are available for sale, and street and lot parking are available.  Steel City is cash only for tickets and concessions.