Skydiving is a sport that’s loved by adrenaline junkies and thrill seekers. While you might not consider yourself to be either, you may be craving a little bit of excitement in your life. And, truth be told, everyone has a small part of them that has always dreamed about skydiving, even if they don’t dare do it. At Skydving San Antonio, you can put your fears aside and indulge in the part of you that wants to have fun.
First Time Flyers – All Flights Tandem
If this is your first time flight, don’t panic – you’re not going to have to go at it alone. Instead, you’ll be hooked up tandem to a trained professional and instructor. While you’re welcome to pull the ripcord if you’d like – the cord that makes your parachute open – your instructor will be right there with you to do it for you if nerves set in. Plus, if you just can’t dare yourself to jump from the plane once you get up in the air, the instructor can help to will you out. Tandem skydiving is the safety option for first-time flyers.
The Skydiving Experience
If you’re a seasoned skydiver, you know that nothing beats the experience of falling through the sky before gliding smoothly to the ground. At Skydiving San Antonio, divers will get a 60 second free fall that begins between 10,000 and 14,000 feet above Texas, and then a gliding ride that lasts approximately eight minutes.
Get a Record of It
If you want to prove to all your friends and family (and maybe yourself, too) that you actually jumped out of an airplane, there’s no better way to do so than by getting a video of the whole thing made. The video provided by Skydiving San Antonio will be between 7 – 9 minutes long, and set to some great music. The video only takes about an hour to make, so you’ll get is as you’re leaving. In addition to the video, you’ll also get plenty of photos, too.
Do Something Unexpected
Is your anniversary coming up? Are you dying to propose to your significant other? Do you need a really awesome date idea to impress the object of your affection? Skydiving provides an awesome activity that’s thrilling, exciting, and will make you and your sweetheart closer than ever. If you’re too scared to do it yourself, consider giving a skydiving gift certificate as a gift.
Who can skydive?
Anyone who is in good health, meets the weight requirement, and is wanting to have a good time can sign up for a skydiving trip! For those under the age of 18, parental consent is required. Otherwise, wear good shoes, comfy clothes, and prepare yourself for the ride of your life! Call Skydiving San Antonio for information about reservations and pricing.