Part comedy club part variety show, Esther’s Follies brings humor and quick-wit to Austin Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night. This club features some of the funniest acts in central, almost all of them dealing with current events. The main show is about 90 minutes with a five minute intermission, but there is always something going on before the show starts, so be sure to get there early!
General admissions tickets are available online, on the phone, or through the box office. Seating is first come, first serve. Esther’s Follies has a full-service bar and serves popcorn during the show.
The cast and show is also available for parties and group events, such as corporate parties or family reunions. Special rates are available for very large groups who want to buy out the show for the evening.
Rebecca Clemens, October 2, 2012 at 9:45 pm
Full of witty commentary and funny acts! I am always splitting my side every time I go there. My boyfriend and I are regular attendees. and we never not have a good time.