Touting itself as being “the only Haunted House in Houston with real ghosts”, Nightmare on the Bayou is a large sized haunted attraction stationed next to Houston’s oldest cemetery. The haunted house is like your traditional dark haunted house, with visitors walking a path that goes from themed scene to themed scene.

However, the schtick that Nightmare on the Bayou has that makes it unique is that it’s really haunted. Being positioned next to a graveyard, Nightmare attributes a lot of its bumps and noises to real ghosts. Hyping up the real haunting so that visitors will assume any chills down their spines or feelings of dread are coming from the supernatural, Nightmare creates a spooky atmosphere that just adds to the already quality haunted house.

Lines are as long as nay other haunted house on a peak night, and Nightmare has concession stands and special packages like all the other haunted houses in Houston. The “real haunting” piece is what really separates this haunted house from others, and all the staff of Nightmare sell that piece very well.